Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I tried...

...I really did.

I was going to watch the State of the Union from a mature, objective perspective. I did not join in on the drinking game (2 shots if he says trrrurist!) down the hall.I suffered through the nucular's and the references to 9/11 and endured his notions that somehow, Iraq is now better off.

When he informed us that we would be paying income on our payroll taxes, however...

...yeah, ok, there were some explitives.

And some threats of burying him in lime jello.

And yeah, there's pieces of PopTart on the TV screen, but I totally didn't start it.


Anonymous said...

thank god I was in orchestra at the time of his state of the union address

Anonymous said...

hahahaha so THAT'S what the ruckus was about in the lounge. and there were emails sent out about it and everything! but i missed it anyways...woohoo!